An old print tradition, called ‘banging out’, involved an employee on the day they retired after a life-time’s service, being walked through the press room, whilst serenaded by colleagues whacking the metal benches with their hammers to mark their departure.

Banging out also occurred when apprentices completed their time and becoming qualified.

McLays has honoured this long standing industry tradition, with our most recent bang out offered to ‘Fast Phil Lewis’.

Phil joined us in 1982 as a labourer and his early role was working on the bins. Siezing opportunities through hard work and excellent time keeping, Phil went on to serve his litho print apprenticeship at our old Fairwater site, becoming a qualified press operator.

Over the decades ‘Fast Phil’ has printed hundreds of millions of sheets, and for the past 10 years has run the 10 colour B1 Heidelberg, our single most expensive resource. Phil is a superb example of what can be achieved through your own endeavour. McLays won’t be the same without him!